Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Joy In The Journey

It's sad to see something you value come to an end. I suppose I've done thousands of radio programs of every shape and size over the last 39 years of broadcasting, but nothing has meant more to me personally than being a part of IN THE STUDIO with Michael Card. But now, after several years of being being on the radio together, we'll be going off the air at the end of March. These past couple of years, RBC Ministries was kind enough to underwrite the cost of producing the program. However, in this season of budget cuts and austerity for all, it has become necessary to cease production. Thank you, RBC, for stepping in when you did and giving IN THE STUDIO a little more time.

I've always said that radio is a relationship, meaning that the best radio programs make a connection with listeners in a personal way, which makes everyone feel a part of the conversation and experience. That, more than anything else, described IN THE STUDIO. Mike and I were the "out front" voices of the program, but right alongside us in every way was an ensemble of friends called into an ad hoc community, literally in the studio with Michael. When you heard the finished program, you were just hearing the distilled version of hours of behind-the-scenes conversations, stories, laughter, tears, and music. Somehow, Joe Carlson, our friend and producer who was in the middle of all that, took the result and crafted a radio show. And I sense that listeners felt connected to our rag tag little studio community.

We'll be recording our final program next week. By God's grace, Mike and I will continue to do what God has called us to do-- maybe we'll even get to serve together once in a while-- but I will never forget the lessons we learned as friends in the studio.

Read Michael Card's journal entry.


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