Friday, October 3, 2008

Nashville Premiere of BILLY

After being filmed only this past Spring, the movie BILLY: THE EARLY YEARS premiered in Nashville last night. Shot entirely in and around Nashville, BILLY tells the story of the first part of Dr. Billy Graham's life up until his national emergence at the Los Angeles crusade in 1949.

If you've been following this blog, you know that it was my privilege to be on the set for a week back in April doing radio interviews-- something which I enjoyed immensely. Last night we attended the premiere in order to get all the pieces for a one-hour radio special which will be released when the movie comes out next week. By the way, BILLY is opening primarily in the South, but it is hopeful that it will migrate North as people support the movie.

I've put together a very rough cut video and posted it here that you may see just a little of what happened last night. You'll see Armie Hammer "Billy Graham", Stefanie Butler "Ruth Bell Graham", and Krisoffer Polaha "Young Charles Templeton" in the video clips. Of course you'll also see my close friend and producer, Joe Carlson. Special thanks to Joe Battaglia for his video camera work-- what a media pro, he can do it ALL.

When the radio program is complete, I'll post the audio so you can hear more of the interviews including Gigi Graham, Scott Brasher who composed the score, Executive Producer Anatasia Brown who did a fantastic job putting together the soundtrack, Producer Larry Mortorff and others. Any radio station who wants to carry the broadcast can contact Rennaisance Communications.

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