Thursday, July 17, 2008

New Book From James MacDonald

We wrapped up recording today of the soon-to-be-released book from Dr. James MacDonald, "10 Choices: A Proven Plan To Change Your Life Forever". Oasis Audio is strategically now recording audiobooks for simultaneous release with the print versions, so I expect it will be released in September.

If you would like the print version, however, it is available for pre-order right now at a reduced price from WALK IN THE WORD.

Now that I've read it (word-for-word!), I can say officially that it is an outstanding book. James is not only a great expositor of the Word of God, but he understands the process of transformational change in people's lives. Interestingly, both audiobooks I've produced this summer (see my June 30th post) focus on the thought of what is going to count for eternity. Maybe I'm supposed to be learning something? If I had to pick, my favorite part of the book is what James calls our "capacity" choices-- I choose to forgive, and I choose to trust.

Here is what James says about "10 Choices":
"God holds us responsible for the choices that we make. In fact, the Bible is filled with stories of people who made good choices and got blessed, but also who made bad choices and reaped the consequences. I'm thinking about a day when we’re each filled with greater faith in making better choices about our future, a better future that God is waiting to lavish on us. (1 Corinthians 2:9)"

This would make a great book for you to get several copies as gifts for people you care about.

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At July 22, 2008 at 9:25 AM , Blogger Unknown said...

So glad that you're the voice on "10 Choices." Given your professional relationship with Walk in the Word (and your wonderful voice) this makes perfect sense. Our prayer is that this new book in both forms--print and audio--will impact many people. God is good. Robert Wolgemuth


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