Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010 Off and Running

The new year has started with a number of projects just wrapping up or getting started this month:

101 Hymns- This new release from Oasis Audio will come out in February. As the narrator of this project, I read the stories of 101 favorite hymns. The really unique part of this project is that each hymn story is accompanied by the hymn's melody. Produced by Joe Carlson, the musicians who are a part of this project are Jeff Taylor on piano, accordion, and penny whistle, John Catching on cello, and Steve Wick on guitar. These talented men add a beautiful musical touch to these timeless stories and hymn texts. Just one of the hymn stories, O God Our Help In Ages Past, is in the audio vault for you to sample.

2012: The Bible and the End of the World- I completed production of this audio book in December and it will also be released by Oasis Audio.

The Map: The Way of All Great Men- This book is in production right now for upcoming release from Oasis Audio.

Author Interviews- Oasis Audio has also posted a number of my author interviews here.

THE PUBLIC SQUARE- This weekly program is off and running in the new year, a critically important year in the life of our nation. I'll be attending our American Policy Roundtable Policy Briefing in Franklin, TN on Jan. 29.

PARENTING TODAY'S TEENS - We have a recording session planned for this month and I get to hear all of Mark Gregston's latest stories :)

WALK IN THE WORD - We had a great finish to 2009 and look forward to what God has in store through the ministry of James MacDonald this year. We'll have a recording session this month. Also, James has just released his book, When Life Is Hard.

MEET ME AT THE WELL - Hopefully, you've seen the download link here on the website for this radio special which is now available free of charge.

UREADBOOKS.COM - A number of author interviews have now been posted on this website as radio programs.

DRINK FROM THE WELL - I'm doing voiceover for this new television program with Dr. David Swanson from First Presbyterian Church Orlando.

All this and maybe a little snowmobile trip as well?? 'Have a great month!