It's has been a busy summer already with a couple of special projects, my regular assignments, plus some family vacation time.
One of the special projects that took much of last week was the "Experiencing God" audiobook for Oasis Audio. I've never counted how many Henry Blackaby books I've been privileged to narrate, but there have been several. Now, the granddaddy of them all--newly revised-- on nine CD's. I could almost hear Dr. Blackaby's distinctive voice and manner as I read the pages. Hopefully, this edition which Dr. Blackaby wrote with his son, Richard, and Claude King, will extend the challenge of living in a love relationship with the Lord Jesus and allowing Him to work both in and through a life to even more people as they listen to it in this form. Thanks to Dan Balow, Mark Dunn, and Leslie Rietveld at Oasis Audio for setting it all up and working with me.