Monday, June 16, 2008

Good Bye For Now

Mike Card called today with the sad news that our friend Denny Denson passed away. Those of you who listen to IN THE STUDIO with Michael Card probably feel as though you knew Denny, too, because he was one of our most frequent guests. As the pastor of a small church in Franklin, TN, Denny met Scott Roley, another pastor from the other side of town. They didn't like each other at all to begin with, but God reconciled those two men and they, in turn, were used of God to reconcile many others from different racial backgrounds. It culminated in the Empty Hands Fellowship (nothing in my hands I bring, simply to the cross I cling) which is an amazing group of men in Franklin who are learning to love each other and love the community they live in. As much as we have tried to tell the story of the Empty Hands Fellowship on radio, it is still one of the greatest on-going and untold stories of God at work in America that I know of. I know Mike Card and Scott Roley, and many other men are deeply grieving the death of Denny tonight. But Denny would be the first one to remind us that the good bye is only temporary.

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