Friday, March 27, 2009


Lots of change is in the air as we end the month of March and begin April. For instance, the weekly program HEARTLIGHT RADIO is changing both its title and its length. Now known as PARENTING TODAY'S TEENS, our weekly conversation has dropped down to 28 minutes-- and thus far the result is very promising with many more radio stations signing up for the broadcast through Roger Kemp and Company. As of this moment, we'll be on 462 stations starting with the month of April. The one minute feature will be on even far more than that, getting exposure on a majority of the Christian radio networks.

One more time, I am "radio's other guy" alongside our host, Mark Gregston. Mark and his wife, Jan, have over 30 years experience working with teens and their parents through Heartlight Ministries. I don't know anyone who is better equipped to offer help and hope to parents. Working with Mark in the studio (and laughing through all the antics that happen off the air) is a real treat. Not only does the listener get the benefit of Mark's advice and teaching, but we also talk to parents and teens about the practical-- sometimes painful and debilitating-- issues that families face living in today's world of adolescent challenges. One of the segments we enjoy doing the most is when we talk with teens who are living at Heartlight Ministries right now. You learn how devastating and difficult life has been for them, but also how quickly they can change with the right dose of love, structure, counseling, and discipline.

Yes, PARENTING TODAY'S TEENS can also be heard online. And on XM Radio, channel 170, Saturdays at 2:00 pm ET.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Last Studio Call

A reminder that this weekend marks the end of IN THE STUDIO with Michael Card (see March 4 blog entry). Our last program will be broadcast this Saturday/Sunday, March 28/29. Producer Joe reminds us that we did a total of 365 hour-long programs over 7 years. The good news in this? ALL of those programs will survive to live another day on Michael's website. Eventually, the archive will hold all 365. Right now, 352 are posted with the last few coming online soon. That should keep you busy listening :)
Thanks to all of you who have written with kind words of support as we wrap things up.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Great News

We are thrilled that Moody Radio has chosen to partner with us in the satellite distribution of THE PUBLIC SQUARE WEEKEND.

Beginning Saturday, April 4, our hour-long broadcast will be carried by Moody's satellite service at 8:00 pm CT, 9:00 ET. Individual radio stations will need to decide locally to air the broadcast, but getting on the Moody network is a big step.


• A magazine formatted program that addresses many of the critical issues of our day in the public policy arena. Hosted by myself and Dr. David Zanotti, President and CEO of The American Policy Roundtable. This is a 501(c)3 organization which exists to restore Judeo-Christian principles to American public policy. You can read more about this politically independent, non-partisan organization at

• Each week, numerous topics in that week’s news will be addressed from a biblical perspective.

• In addition to conversational interviews with leaders in public policy issues, each program will feature a panel discussion featuring our balanced team of professionals.

I’ve been working with this great team at THE PUBLIC SQUARE now for over 2 years and look forward to bringing listeners into the conversation about countering the evil at work in our civil society with positive public policy alternatives. I think you’ll find THE PUBLIC SQUARE to be a very essential program for the days in which we live.

If you'd like to know more about THE PUBLIC SQUARE-- maybe even encourage your local station to carry it-- please email me at

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Joy In The Journey

It's sad to see something you value come to an end. I suppose I've done thousands of radio programs of every shape and size over the last 39 years of broadcasting, but nothing has meant more to me personally than being a part of IN THE STUDIO with Michael Card. But now, after several years of being being on the radio together, we'll be going off the air at the end of March. These past couple of years, RBC Ministries was kind enough to underwrite the cost of producing the program. However, in this season of budget cuts and austerity for all, it has become necessary to cease production. Thank you, RBC, for stepping in when you did and giving IN THE STUDIO a little more time.

I've always said that radio is a relationship, meaning that the best radio programs make a connection with listeners in a personal way, which makes everyone feel a part of the conversation and experience. That, more than anything else, described IN THE STUDIO. Mike and I were the "out front" voices of the program, but right alongside us in every way was an ensemble of friends called into an ad hoc community, literally in the studio with Michael. When you heard the finished program, you were just hearing the distilled version of hours of behind-the-scenes conversations, stories, laughter, tears, and music. Somehow, Joe Carlson, our friend and producer who was in the middle of all that, took the result and crafted a radio show. And I sense that listeners felt connected to our rag tag little studio community.

We'll be recording our final program next week. By God's grace, Mike and I will continue to do what God has called us to do-- maybe we'll even get to serve together once in a while-- but I will never forget the lessons we learned as friends in the studio.

Read Michael Card's journal entry.