Friday, March 28, 2008

Latest Audiobook Project

When I hosted OPEN LINE for Moody Broadcasting for many years, one of the guests who joined me often was Dr. Henry Blackaby. I always enjoyed our conversations immensely on and off radio. Many times Dr. Blackaby would tell me that because of his contact and ministry with many business CEO's he felt strongly that spiritual revival may come to America through godly businesspeople. Well, Henry and his son Richard have now written a book called GOD IN THE MARKETPLACE and I spent the last two days recording the audiobook version for Oasis Audio. I'm sure the audiobook will be available soon from Oasis.

One of the stories in the Blackaby book is that of businessman John Beckett, author of LOVING MONDAYS and MASTERING MONDAYS. I had the privilege of having dinner with John and Dave Zanotti last month in Orlando. I had interviewed John on the phone before, but what a treat to meet him and hear more of his heart for the Gospel. He told me about another website he has set up called LifesGreatestQuestion-- you can read John's story there. Many have and had their lives transformed.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

IN THE STUDIO with Michael Card

This week's IN THE STUDIO recording session with Mike Card and friends turned out to be yet another encouraging and refreshing two days of radio production. Joe Carlson, our producer, does a great job of planning each session, but the amazing thing is to see what surprises God has in store for us as people come and go. We get plenty of programs recorded, but also spend lots of time just enjoying each other's company. At any given moment there might be 10 or more people in the control room, and there might be 3 or 4 small group conversations all going on at the same time-- some really serious, and some really hilarious as the stories just fly. God is good to bring such friends together. Among the radio guests was Mart DeHaan of RBC Ministries, Lance Mansfield of the By/For Project, Jason Gray who joined us for the first time-- a great, young songwriter that Michael has gotten to know recently, and Andrew Peterson-- another incredible songwriter who came by unexpectedly, but it gave us a chance to talk to him about his first book which has just been published. Larry Warren of African Leadership came and brought a brother named Bobby Maynard who is South African but joining the staff of African Leadership in Franklin, TN. Jeff Taylor came to join Mike on some hymns for the show, and my friend Tom Sabella dropped in and introduced us to Royce Taylor , formerly of The Stamps Quartet, who has been singing in Gospel music for a long time. Not everyone joined us on the radio program, but we sure enjoyed the fellowship and community. The Mole End Studio has become a very special place to experience community and create radio programs.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

New Hymns CD from Michael Card

I'm really happy to spread the word about Mike Card's newest CD entitled HYMNS. I've yet to hear all of it in one setting, but I can't wait. Both Mike and Jeff Taylor, who is one of the other musical contributors on this CD, have told me about it and I've heard a few rough mixes (with its decidedly Irish sounds) over the last few months while hanging out at The Mole End Studio. You can order the CD here, and it should be shipping in a few days.

I'll be heading down to Franklin,TN to be in the studio the week following Easter for our next recording session of the radio program IN THE STUDIO with Michael Card. I really look forward to these sessions as we all get to hang out together in a studio filled with friends and guests. Oh yeah, we also get some work done on radio programs :) Thanks to RBC Ministries for their support of such a unique radio program! Why not subscribe to the IN THE STUDIO podcast at iTunes and join us when it's convenient for you?

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Saturday, March 15, 2008

Problem Solver

Last week at the National Religious Broadcaster's convention in Nashville, one of the many people I talked with was fellow voiceover talent Bob Souer. One of Bob's multiple assignments is his role with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association as a Senior Producer. It's Bob's voice that you hear, for instance, on all the Billy Graham TV specials-- and far more in the wide world of voiceover work. Bob has a quality blog that always is helpful and informative, but his post of March 13 is especially good. It applies not only to voiceover and production work, but to anyone who provides a service. I think you'll enjoy reading it as much as I did.


Friday, March 14, 2008


Part of yesterday was spent in the studio with James MacDonald, as we worked on new WALK IN THE WORD programs for April and part of May. Given that we are on the radio together every day, you'd think that we'd see each other often. Actually, it's about every 4-6 weeks that we have a recording session, so it's great to catch up and swap stories. I love James' approach to expositional Bible teaching and God is using him mightily as a pastor, radio teacher, and author. You might find this strange, but it happens often that I'll hear something we did in production on the radio myself much later and God uses it to challenge me as a listener. I guess that's because I'm a slow learner! Actually, I wouldn't want it any other way because I love to listen just like anybody else does and let God's Word speak the truth that I need to hear. As the title of one of John Piper's books says, "BROTHERS, WE ARE NOT PROFESSIONALS".

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008


If you are not familiar with THE PUBLIC SQUARE daily broadcast, I hope you'll take the time to listen online at  I meet with Dave Zanotti and the whole team every Monday in Cleveland to record each week's shows.  It's unlike anything I've ever done before-- and that's a good thing :)

There's no question but that many organizations are going through a tough time financially as people are nervous about the economy.  It's no different at THE PUBLIC SQUARE and I want you to read what recently went out to our supporters from Dave:

"Hillary Clinton is raising over one million dollars per day for her campaign for the Presidency.  At the same time, contributions for the Roundtable have dropped $150,000 in just the last nine weeks.  How does that work?

Friends around the country tell us we are not alone.  Charitable contributions are down everywhere.  People blame gas and food prices and a general depression over the coming election.  OK, we get that.  We are paying higher prices and facing the same tough times together.  We have made pay cuts, expense cuts, and turned down every thermostat as well.

But how come Hillary's supporters are giving over one million dollars per day to support her efforts?  Are Hillary supporters living in a different economy than everyone else?  Or have they figured out that people who pay the price now will see the prize at the end of the year?

The first nine weeks of 2008 have been devastating to our budget.  We need your financial support today.  This is a critical election year.  Without resources, we cannot help people understand the issues that face this state and nation."

I'm sure the case is the same with many non-profits right now.  I just wanted you to know how this downturn is affecting at least one very worthy organization.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Latest news from Cuba

Some of you know that I have had the opportunity to legally travel into Cuba a couple of times which has given me a beginner's insight into what life is like for Cuban believers-- there's been amazing church growth over the past 10 years.  My friend, David Hunt of Envoy Ministries, just returned from Cuba where he talked with church leaders following Fidel Castro's decision to step down as President.  I recorded a two-part conversation with David about what he learned and you can listen to it at it's right on the front page.

When we were in Cuba last summer, one of the needs we saw was for pastors to have access to computers-- something they cannot even think of affording.  So, recently, a friend donated a laptop and it was taken to Cuba by Darryl Wright of WorldServe Ministries.  Afterwards, here's the email I got from Darryl:

"I was able to get your computer into Barocoa at the far end of Cuba.  The pastor (name omitted) is District Overseer for the Barocoa area of Cuba (where Columbus landed).  I thought he was going to cry when he received the computer.  He was so overjoyed.  They are a poor family and he doesn't have much so this will be a huge help to their ministry."

We plan to do more of this, so it anyone has a laptop in fair to good condition, let me know and we'll do our best to get it into the hands of a Cuban pastor.  They are an incredible breed who need our support.  You can learn more about the needs in Cuba (including Bibles) at


Welcome to my new website!

Welcome to my new website! This has been in the works for several months, but radio recording and production always came first. I’m grateful to Christian Klein for his design work. If you ever need a “young entrepreneur with an old-fashioned work ethic”, CK is your man ( We work together on THE PUBLIC SQUARE broadcast.

One of the highlights of my year is the annual National Religious Broadcasters Convention ( It starts Saturday at Opryland in Nashville and I’ll be there through Wednesday morning, March 12. If you are there, please email or use my contact information to reach me and say hi.

The Buddy Greene HAPPY MAN RADIO SPECIAL that you can hear part of on the home page is available on CD or via ftp for radio stations. I’ll have a small supply of CD’s at the NRB, just ask and I’ll be glad to give you a copy. Or email me for more information.

One more thing: Check out something brand new called The By/For Project ( I’ll let the website explain itself to you, but Michael Card is one of the people involved, so you know it’s good. Be sure to listen to the song, HERE IN BETWEEN for your Good Friday meditation.
